Get back in the Game

Regain agility and stability with the InternalBrace procedure.

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Are weak, unstable ankles and the fear of recurring sprains limiting your active lifestyle? You’re not alone. But there is hope. The InternalBrace procedure is helping people just like you get back on their feet and stand strong.

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Recurring Ankle Sprains?
You’re Not Alone.

Weak, unstable ankles and recurring ankle sprains can create frustrating limitations to activities and daily life. The InternalBrace procedure is helping people with chronic ankle instability get back on their feet and back in action.

Benefits of the InternalBrace procedure include:

Faster return to activity1,2

Reduced chance of another ankle sprain while you heal1,3

Appropriate for people who have already had ankle surgery

Performed in an outpatient setting through a small incision

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Why Do I Keep Rolling My Ankle?

Repeated ankle sprains are both a symptom and a cause of a weak and unstable ankle. Each time you twist or roll your ankle, the ligaments on the outside of your ankle can stretch or tear, creating a perpetual cycle of recurring injuries and ankle pain.

Chronic ankle instability occurs when the damaged ligaments fail to heal properly. The loose ligaments cannot protect your ankle from rolling outwardly. Symptoms of chronic ankle instability include:

Your ankle “gives way” when walking on uneven surfaces

Pain or tenderness in your ankle

Chronic ankle swelling

Feeling unstable or wobbly

Repetitive ankle sprains

Ankle Sprains by the Numbers

Ankle sprains are incredibly common injuries that can be caused by trips and falls, landing awkwardly after a jump, pivoting wrong, and other motions.

Ankle sprains are the most common sports injury with an estimated 2+ million sprains occurring annually in the United States5

1 in 5 people who suffer an ankle sprain report having long-term ankle problems6; the rate is even higher, 1 in 3, for athletic populations7

Up to 70% of people with an ankle sprain will suffer another sprain in the future8,9

What Are My Treatment Options?

Your doctor may recommend conservative treatments to help relieve ankle pain while you recover from a minor ankle sprain, or they may wait to see if it heals on its own.

Treatments may include:

  • Rest, ice, compression, elevation (“RICE”)

  • Anti-inflammatory medicines

  • Physical therapy

  • Sports tape or ankle support braces

  • Hope it heals on its own

If you suffer from repetitive ankle sprains that continue to damage your ankle ligaments, consult a foot and ankle specialist, as chronic ankle instability cannot heal on its own.

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to tighten and repair the damaged ligaments that support your ankle. The InternalBrace procedure is a simple enhancement performed during the primary surgical repair that can help stabilize your ankle while it heals.1,3

In fact, studies show that patients who undergo the InternalBrace procedure recover considerably faster than those without augmentation.1,2

What Surgeons Say About the InternalBrace Procedure

Surgeons who perform the InternalBrace procedure share how it has benefited their patients.

"If conservative treatments have failed to provide a solution to your chronic ankle pain and/or instability, it may be time to consider surgery."

Anand Vora, MD

Chicago, IL

"My InternalBrace procedure patients report experiencing less pain, and significantly greater comfort and confidence, both during the immediate and postoperative period and for years to come.”

Nicholas Gates, MD

Cincinnati, OH

"Results that I am seeing with the InternalBrace procedure are unparalleled. The potential for immediate weightbearing makes the recovery so much easier for all patients, not just the high-level athlete."

Troy S. Watson, MD

Las Vegas, NV

Physicians are paid researchers of Arthrex, Inc.

InternalBrace Repair: A Seat Belt for the Ankle

Similar to how a seat belt acts in a car accident, surgical repair with InternalBrace ligament augmentation secures your ligaments to the bone and helps limit excess range of motion during the healing phase, which may reduce your chances of experiencing another sprain while your ankle ligaments regain strength.1,3

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Patient Stories

See All

Caitlin's Story

Former soccer player and outdoor/running enthusiast who underwent two ankle surgeries before her InternalBrace augmentation.

Mike's Story

Firefighter who suffered a complete tear of his lateral ankle ligament when he stepped down from the truck onto a curb and rolled his ankle.

Estee's Story

Avid runner and skier who, after coping with ankle instability since high school, is back to having fun with her family after her InternalBrace augmentation.

Bethany's Story

Ultrarunner and mountain biker who experienced multiple ankle sprains before securing her repair with the InternalBrace procedure and getting back on the trails.

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