Patient Stories

Hear From InternalBrace Procedure Patients

Real patients with chronic ankle sprains and instability describe how they got better faster1,2 and felt stronger with the help of their foot and ankle surgeon and the InternalBrace procedure.

Caitlin's Story

Former soccer player and outdoor/running enthusiast who underwent two ankle surgeries before her InternalBrace augmentation.

Mike's Story

Firefighter who suffered a complete tear of his lateral ankle ligament when he stepped down from the truck onto a curb and rolled his ankle.

Estee's Story

Avid runner and skier who, after coping with ankle instability since high school, is back to having fun with her family after her InternalBrace augmentation.

Bethany's Story

Ultrarunner and mountain biker who experienced multiple ankle sprains before securing her repair with the InternalBrace procedure and getting back on the trails.

These real patients were compensated for the time they took to share their personal experience with the InternalBrace procedure.

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